2019 May

Well | Septic | Electricity | Tree removal

To-Do List

Cut down trees

Power / Solar PV

Septic system testing

Water / Well Pump

Still not done

Debris removal certification

Building permits

Phone | Internet

Water / Well

Water, well

We need water to test our septic system, which we need to be able to move back to the property, but without electricity, we can’t run our well pump, without our well, we can’t get water, and without septic test approval, we can’t get a temporary electricity pole!

How to test a well pump?

Per the recommendation of the folks at Ike’s Pump and Drilling, who have serviced our well for years, we rented a 3 phase 20KW generator to get our well pump running, and after spending another $300, … it didn’t work, our well pump is not working.

Luckily, we got a water tank from our debris removal contractor and have a nice neighbor with water. That’s a start!

Burned Damaged Trees

Of the 200+ trees (80% of all our trees) damaged, most of them are not recovering after close to 7 months.

We have to make a very hard decision. We need to cut down more than 150 trees, most of them 30-50 ft old pines. They have been home to so many animals. They have been our home. We always had a vision to replace the pines with oaks, which we have been doing gradually since we moved in. This is not gradual now. It is terrible.